How Sunland is Changing Job Site Safety Conduct During COVID-19 Pandemic

The safety, health and well-being of all our employees and customers is one of our core values. Because the COVID-19 virus situation continues to evolve, we feel it is necessary to take additional precautions to prevent further spread of the disease. Sunland is taking the following precautions while working at your job site:
1. Social Distancing – Maintain a distance of 6 ft. between individuals. Do not congregate in groups where 6 ft. distance between individual cannot be maintained.
2. Limit Crew Sizes – Limit crew sizes to less than 10 and maintain the Social Distance of 6 ft. between individuals.
3. Stagger Start Times / Break Times – Staggering start times and break times to keep common areas, gang boxes, job trailers and break areas to less than 10 people. When taking a break, take 20 seconds to wash hands.
4. Bathrooms / Wash – Use hand sanitizer frequently with the recommended amount of disinfectant / alcohol (follow CDC guidelines regarding products).
6. Bottled Water – Use only bottled water. Do not share water bottles.
7. Tool Sharing – No sharing of hand tools. Where feasible, use disinfecting wipes on handles before sharing tools.
8. Screen Sharing – Clean and disinfect cell phones and iPads frequently. Do not pass devices around amongst the crew for signatures.
9. Vehicle Sharing – Limit one person in each vehicle. If sharing a vehicle is unavoidable there should be an attempt to use N95 masks.
10. Listen to and Follow Company Leadership, Local and Federal Government and CDC for updates.